They expect you to have 2 week retention... in an industry where that is the standard. Here at TellieLash, we have higher standards and challenge those expectations.

We Get It.

You came here because you aren't okay with the standard either. You want even longer retention so that your clients feel that they are getting exceptional quality and spread your brand like wildfire through referrals. You want to be in the tiny percentage of Master Lash Artists that can achieve 4-8 week retention on average.

Well you've come to the right place. TellieLash (home of the iconic 8-week retention glue Long & Strong and luxury lash supply) is passionate about getting artists to a new level of retention. Always available to contact for retention mentoring and advice, Tellie never gatekeeps.

Grab a bottle of Long & Strong today, and leave your email for secret tips, because #retentionmatters.

Store front located in Colton. Available for in store shopping, delivery, curbside pickup, and fast shipping!

  • L O N G & S T R O N G

    "Her glue will help your retention go for months! amazing amazing" -Alexis Arias


    "I will not use any other glue than Long & Strong.. when she says RETENTION will be the BEST... ya'll, she's not lying!" -Kim Steverson


    "Before this glue, my retention wasn't it. I use to do everything. Sealers, mists, primers, bonders, etc. Now all I need is this glue. It has definitely changed the game for me." - Jewel Beauty


    "This is my go-to glue I can't live without it. I swear I tried 5 different brands or more n all my clients love this glue." - Becky Huerta

  • Start your new career Today

    One-on-One OR Class Setting

    TellieLash Certified artists achieve 4-8 week retention, are taught full legalities and small business, 5 advanced techniques with no finger-pinching, no easy fan lashes, no premade fans. Create fans on any shape and style tweezer, train on a variety of tweezers, full $300 valued kit, 25% discount for life, and more!

    Only accepting 2 more students for this month! Call or message for information!

  • The Owner

    Tellie is an artist of over 8 years and has been educating for 5 years!

    Her passion is to help get you started on a new career journey in Eyelash Extensions, upgrade your education with a new certification or get your questions answered with 2-hour tutoring! Even available at the shop to answer questions for those who stop by to shop! Never hesitate